eBooks and Articles

The Northmen in Britain

By Eleanor Hull


Leechdoms, wortcunning, and starcraft of early England Vol. 3

by T. A. Cockayne (1864)

The Place of the Earth Goddess Cult in Early England

By Gary Stansfield (2014)


The Anglo-Saxon sagas

An examination of their value as aids to history; a sequel to the History of the conquest of Britain by the Saxons

by D. H. Haigh (1861)

Leechdoms, wortcunning, and starcraft of early England Vol. 2

by T. A. Cockayne (1864)

An introduction to the study of the Anglo-Saxon language

by S. H. Carpenter (1889)

An Anglo-Saxon dictionary

by T. N. Toller (1921)

An Anglo-Saxon Reader

By J.W. Bright


Older England

Illustrated by the Anglo-Saxon Antiquities in the British Museum


Leechdoms, Wortcunning, and Starcrafts of Early England Vol. 1

Collected and Edited by Oswald Cockayne

Anglo-Saxon Leechcraft

An Historical Sketch of Early English Medicine

By Henry Wellcome / American Medical Association


What Colour a God’s Eyes

By Paul Mortimer

De temporum ratione

English Translation of The Reckoning of Time, by the Venerable Bede.


The Anglo-Saxon Calendar

By Beofeld


Symbel: The Heathen Drinking Ritual?

By John Wills


Anglo-Saxon Burial Mounds

By Stephen Pollington (2008)

Reproduced here by permission of the author.


Pyrs, Ent, Eoten, Gigans-Anglo-Saxon Ontologies of ‘Giant’

By Chris Bishop (2006)


The Place of the Earth-Goddess Cult in English Pagan Religion

By Gary Stanfield (2014)


Perceptions of the Prehistoric in Anglo-Saxon England

By Sarah Semple (2013)

Elves in Anglo-Saxon England

By Alaric Hall (2004)

Nameless or Nehalennia

By Frank Jenkins (1956)