About this Course
This course is required in order to gain official standing within our organization, and become a gesíþ, or recognized member in the Ingvaeonic Society. Gesíþ status is a prerequisite, if you want to found an official congregation within the Society, or serve as an officer or board member of the Society. Once you have completed this course, you will be asked to answer a few freeform questions in your own words, and then guided in the process of registering as a gesíþ.
This course is required for anyone seeking ordination as a minister (sacerd) of our religion. The main material is the Lorehoard available on our website, but there are some books you should really read too, they will help provide a lot of context. They are listed below:
Recommended Supplementary Reading
The following readings are highly recommended for any student of Heathenship.
The Elder Gods – Stephen Pollington
Aspects of Anglo-Saxon Magic – Bill Griffiths
The Magical World of the Anglo-Saxons – Tylluan Penry
Signals of Belief in Early England – Sanmark, Semple, Carver
The Place of the Earth-Goddess Cult in English Pagan Religion – Stansfield, Gary
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