
The Andetnesblót, held in November, is a modern Heathen festival rooted in the spirit of gratitude and remembrance, drawing inspiration from Bede’s historical account of the “month of conflagrations.” This event serves as a blót, or sacred offering, to give thanks for the year’s harvest and the abundance provided. In the spirit of the ancient traditions Bede described, where fires symbolized the end of the harvest season and the preparation for the coming winter, Andetnesblót embodies a communal gathering to honor the Earth’s bounty, our ancestors, and the deities who watch over us. Through ritual, feast, and the kindling of fires, participants reflect on the past year, recognize the cycle of life and nature, and express their gratitude for the blessings received and the challenges overcome. Andetnesblót is a time for Heathen communities to come together in thanksgiving, fostering a deeper connection with their heritage, the divine, and each other.

Altar Decor and Regalia:

Consider decorating the weofod with candles in warm, earthy colors to symbolize the fading sunlight and the earth’s fertility. Include images or representations of NehalenniaTanfana, and Seaxneat-Tiw, emphasizing their roles as deities of the hunt, bounty, peace, and victory, respectively. Integrate animal symbols such as antlers, feathers, pelts or perhaps fruits and nuts. This pays homage to the end of the agricultural year, the increasing importance of hunting as opposed to farming, and the fact that our ancestors would have had to slaughter any livestock at this point that could not be reliably fed through the dark winter months.

Opening Words: “The Blótere, standing before the gathered participants, speaks:

‘Today, we gather to honor the deities Nehalennia, Tanfana, and Seaxneat. We seek their blessings as the dark months of winter approach, and we feast in their honor to celebrate the bounty of the past harvest, and victories in past endeavors. We now turn our minds now to peace, to quietude, and to thankfulness for the gifts great or small that we have thus far enjoyed in this year. Let us join together in gratitude and reverence.’”

First Pouring (Honoring Nehalennia): “The Blótere takes a cup or horn filled with the ritual beverage and offers the first prayer:

‘Great Nehalennia, Goddess of the Hunt, Protectress of the Dead, and Bringer of Bounty, as the seas grow wild and the fields grow still, we offer this libation in your honor. May your guidance be with us in our wintertime pursuits. We ask your protection for those who must travel abroad, and ask your aid, that the bounty of the hunt may sustain those need it.’ Acceot these gifts of meat and med, Great Goddess, and look well on thos stand here.”

The Blótere then drinks, pours a portion for Nehalennia, and passes the cup or horn to the next celebrant, who offers their prayer, and so on, until all have spoken.

Second Pouring (Honoring Tanfana): “The Blótere refills the cup or horn and begins the second pouring:

‘Serene Tanfana, Goddess of Peace, protectress of the forest, we offer this libation in your honor. May your calming presence guide us towards peace within ourselves, frith with our fellows, and harmony with the plants and beasts of the Earth.’ Hail Tanfana!”

[Continue with individual prayers and pass the cup.]

Third Pouring (Honoring Seaxneat): “The Blótere refills the cup or horn once more and begins the third pouring:

‘Hail the Stalwart Sword-God Seaxneat, he who is hight Tiw, One-Handed master of might and main, we offer this libation to celebrate your triumphant spirit. May your strength and prowess inspire victory in our endeavors, just as your vigilance has protected our folk through many dangers. Hail Seaxneat-Tiw!’”

[Continue with individual prayers and pass the cup.]

Blessing (Bletsung): “During the blessing, the Blótere takes an evergreen sprig and dips it into the ritual liquid, saying:

‘We invoke the presence of Nehalennia, Tanfana, and Seaxneat, and with this sacred sprig, we symbolically sprinkle their blessings upon this gathering and upon ourselves.’

[Blótere perfomrs the blessing.]

Húselgang (The Greater Blót): Following the offerings and blessings, the assembly gathers to enjoy a feast in celebration. This feast can be pot-luck style, with participants contributing dishes to share. During the meal, consider including poetry readings, music, or storytelling to enhance the experience and honor the traditions of Nehalennia, Tanfana, and Seaxneat.

If possible, as in time of old, the offerings should be removed from the weofod, and burned.