Alternate Names: Ing, Ingui, Yngvi Iconography: Stag antlers, Phallus, A boar? Domains: Fertility, Sex, Peace, Harvest Historical Attestation One of the most widely worshiped gods in all of Germanic Heathendom, Ingui-Frea, (‘The Lord Ing’) is the eponymous god-ancestor of the West-Germanic tribes, the Ingwine. He is known to followers of Norse…
Ingwine Heathenship
in this lorehoard we will set out to describe the tenants, beliefs, rites, and historical underpinnings of what we call Ingwine Heathenship or in Old English, Ingƿina Hæðenscipe. Firstly, it is important to say at the outset that this author takes for granted that several recent incarnations of modern “Anglo-Saxon Heathenry”…