Alternate Names: Hrethe, Rheda Iconography: Domains: Competition, Survival, Victory, War, Spring Historical Attestation The goddess Hréðe, sometimes normalized as Hrethe, is attested to only once, in De temporum ratione, by the Venerable Bede. It is said that the month Hrēþmōnaþ, roughly analogous to the modern month of March is named in her…
Tag: Gods
These pages describe divinities and venerable spirits in the tradition of Ingwine Heathenship.
Alternate Names: Ing, Ingui, Yngvi Iconography: Stag antlers, Phallus, A boar? Domains: Fertility, Sex, Peace, Harvest Historical Attestation One of the most widely worshiped gods in all of Germanic Heathendom, Ingui-Frea, (‘The Lord Ing’) is the eponymous god-ancestor of the West-Germanic tribes, the Ingwine. He is known to followers of Norse…
Alternate Names: Nehalenia, Nehalaennia Iconography: A woman in a boat, A woman with a dog, fruit baskets, dolphins Domains: Sea, Commerce, Fertility, Death, Protection, Hunting Historical Attestation Nehalennia is a a goddess of mysterious origins. Attestations of this goddess in the Frisian and Dutch lowlands are quite numerous, and some…
Alternate Names: Tiw, Tir, Tyr, Saxnot, Sēaxneat, Cheru Iconography: The Eagle, Tir Rune, Sword/Seax, Spear Domains: War, Sea, Hunting, Rulership Historical Attestation Coming to a lore-based understanding of this once renowned deity is quite difficult, and sadly requires a great deal of conjecture. The name of Seaxneat, (Old Saxon ‘Saxnot’) is attested…
Alternate Names: Sunna, Sól Iconography: Sun, the Sun Wheel, A Chariot Wheel Domains: Time, Life, Beauty, Growth Historical Attestations Sunne, also spelled Sunna in Old High German, or Sól in Old Norse, is the personified figure of the sun in Anglo-Saxon pagan mythology. She is known as the ruler of…
Alternate Names: Sunuxsal, Sunuchsalis Iconography: Cup, Temple, Dog Domains: Protection, Prosperity, Healing, Death and Rebirth Historical Attestation Sunuxsalis is a Germanic or Celtic goddess whose name appears in a number of inscriptions from Roman Germania Inferior. These inscriptions, which date from the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD, were found in…
Alternate Names: Tamfana Iconography: Fir Tree, Cat, Cup? Domains: Forests, Peace, Fertility Historical Attestation Tamfana or Tanfana, is a goddess of the Germanic people, mentioned in the works of Tacitus and in the Germanic mythology collected by Jacob Grimm. Little is known about her from an historical perspective, and her…
Alternate names: Þunor, Þunor, Þor, þúr, Þonar, Thunaer, Donar Iconography: Goats, Chariot, Hammer, Fiery Axe, Thunderbolt, Oak Tree Domains: Protection, Courage, Physical strength, Rain, Agriculture, Sanctity, Healing Historical Attestation Þunor, often normalized as Thunor, is the West Germanic God of Thunder. Indeed, his name is derived from the Proto-Germanic *þonaroz or *þunraz, meaning…
Alternate names: Wodan, UUoden, Godan, Weda Iconography: Eye Motif, Man with Horned Helmet, Man with hounds, Ravens Domains: War, Healing, Sex, Magic, Abundance (Harvest), Death Woden historically held a place of honor among the gods of the West Germanic peoples, particularly the Saxons. This continues to be the case in…
Alternate Names: Wulþuz, Ollerus, Ullr, Oller, Wuldorfæder(?) Iconography: Bow, Ring, Shield, Male figure with Bow and skis Domains: Wealth, Oaths, Skiing, Hunting, Archery, Winter, Magic, Rulership, Forest Historical Attestations Wulð, known in various Scandinavian sources as Ollerus, or Ullr, is directly attested among the Angles solely by a piece of…