Alternate Names: Foste, Forseti Iconography: Golden Axe, Boat, Well Domains: Law, Sea, Travel Historical Attestations Now whilst this energetic preacher of the Word was pursuing his iourney he came to a certain island on the boundary between the Frisians and the Danes, which the people of those parts call Fositeland,…
Tag: Gods
These pages describe divinities and venerable spirits in the tradition of Ingwine Heathenship.
Alternate Names: Harke, Herke, Holda, Frau Godan, Frau Wode, Frau Freke, Friggöu, Fria Iconography: The Distaff, Waterfowl Domains: Harvest, Hearth, Prophesy, Textile Crafts, Rulership, Magic, Winter Historical Attestations Attestations to the cult of Fríg are paradoxically few, and also ubiquitous in Germanic folklore, depending upon one’s point of view. The…