This post serves as a ritual template for a Harvest festival celebration. It outlines the structure of the ceremony, beginning with opening words that set the context and purpose of the gathering. Participants take part in a series of pourings and prayers, offering libations to deities like Woden and Frig,…

Calendar 2024
This post will be updated with events that may be of interest, over the course of the latter half of 2023.

Midsumor-dæges Blót
A Midsummer Blot Template Introduction:This rite is a celebration of Midsummer Day, a joyous occasion dedicated to growth, healing, the power of the sun, and the abundance of the earth. We honor the gods Helith, the deity of healing and well-being, Sunne, the radiant goddess of the sun, and Ing,…

Hengist and Horsa
Hengist and Horsa are two figures that loom large in the mythos of early England. According to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, the Ecclesiastical History of the English People, and the writings of Geoffrey of Monmouth, to wit, Historia Regum Britanniae, these two warriors played a crucial role in the early days…

Bede to Frig, for a Fruitful Marriage
This prayer is suitable for a wedding ceremony, part 1 is liturgical and not poetic. Part 2 is poetic, but not alliterative. It is in a modern metre. Part 1: Liturgy Frig, goddess of love and fertility, we call upon you to bless this union. May your grace and blessings…
Actors in the Rite For the purposes of creating a template, the active roles have been divided up as though there was a primary organizer of the ritual, and one or more helpers. This may in actuality be a single person. Again, discretion will need to exercised in deciding how…

No, the Anglo-Saxons didn’t start Yuletide in late January.
This is a strange blog post to have to write, but it seems it is still relevant in 2022. There is a lot of hubub out there in the Blogosphere, about how bad certain Heathens are for celebrating Yuletide in late December (along with the rest of the World), instead…

Winterfylleþes Wíntíber
Introduction Wíntíber is an Old English term that literally means ‘wine-sacrifice’. This ritual is an abbreviated form of offering, which need involve no formal blessing and no food. This is a libation, a giving of strong drink to a revered being, god or gods, as a simple form of…